In case you haven’t followed the announcements, Adobe announced Project Primetime, which will be Adobe’s next generation video workflow.
Project Primetime
Ashley Still, Director of Product Management for Video Solutions at Adobe, announced “Project Primetime” on the Digital Media Blog.
We are excited to announce Project Primetime, Adobe’s integrated video technology platform to enable smooth, TV-like experiences for ad-supported videos across Web-connected devices.
Primetime creates a single workflow for premium video publishers and media companies that interconnects Adobe streaming technologies, content protection, analytics and optimization with the recently acquired Auditude video advertising platform.
Ashley explains it solves the current industry problems.
1. The user experience for audiences viewing video ads today is inferior to television.
2. Connected devices are fragmented.
3. Inserting ads into connected devices is hard.
4. Ad and content analytics are siloed. [via Digital Media blog]
Read further how Primetime will solve these challenges on the Digital Media blog.
Primetime Highlights
In addition, Primetime Highlights was showcased. Cathi Kwon, Senior Product Manager for Publisher Monetization, provides a summary in this video.
Adobe announced support for MPEG-DASH, which is a significant step for simpler and more efficient video workflows.
Kevin Towes, Senior Product Manager, describes it the following way.
You have to love standards, imagine a world where your toaster used a different power supply than your refrigerator , or your plumbing be a mish mash of pipes, or when you go the hardware store to get a new door knob, it didn’t fit in your door. Imagine now preparing videos 4 or 5 times for different devices and imagine if you just had to do it once. [via Kevin Towes blog]
Read more about the announcement on his blog. It’s also worth reading the HLS/HDS post to understand the importance and approach of MPEG-DASH.
Adobe Access support for native iOS applications
Adobe Access, our robust Digital Rights Management technology, will support native iOS applications. With Adobe Access’ existing support for desktop (99% reach via Flash Player), Android (via AIR 3.0) and Smart TVs (via AIR for TV 2.5), video publishers can now reach a huge digital audience with a single content protection solution. (via Digital Media blog)
Exciting times ahead.
Nice article, I like it.